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M o n t e f a l c o

Called for its enchanting position “ringhiera dell’Umbria” (railing of Umbria), Montefalco dominates the wide valley that stretches from Perugia to Spoleto.

For its famous frescoes it is considered a sanctuary of the Umbrian art expressed in the fourteenth-sixteenth centuries.

An inhabited town dating back to the Middle Ages, it was initially called Coccorone, a name that it kept until 1249-50 A.D., the year in which it assumed the new and definitive name of Montefalco, perhaps in honor of the great emperor Frederick II and his passion for hunting with the falcons.

Visiting Montefalco

W h a t w i l l y o u s e e ?

What will you see?

Rich in churches, crossed by medieval alleys, marked by testimonies of past civilizations, the village of Montefalco seems to have stopped the time capturing the visitor in an inviting refreshment stop.

You will admire various monuments, including:

  • Municipal building (12th century)
  • Church-Museum of San Francesco (14th century)
  • Church of S. Chiara da Montefalco (17th century)
  • Convent of S.Fortunato (15th century)
  • Chapel of the Roses
  • Walk through the old town
Our presence in the

T e r r i t o r y o f U m b r i a

Territory of Umbria

Today Montefalco is also the main city of the Sagrantino wine district.
Indeed the two names of its wines  (Montefalco Sagrantino D.O.C.G. and Montefalco Rosso D.O.C.) refer to the name of the town.

Our Azienda Agricola Montioni is located just behind the old town of Montefalco and its sites of great cultural and religious interest.

Discover the

S u r r o u n d i n g s o f M o n t e f a l c o

Surroundings of Montefalco

Montefalco, because of its centrality, is very suitable as a starting point for the visit of other Umbrian cities connected to both artistic and religious heritage.

The most important are:

  • Bevagna, ancient Roman town hall. Wonderful its medieval square, overlooked by the most significant monuments of the city.
  • Assisi, a city of extraordinary historical and cultural importance as well as the homeland of San Francesco, Patron of Italy.
  • Perugia, called Augusta Perusia in antiquity, capital of the region (photo left).
  • Spoleto, a Roman town rich in ancient memories of Roman and medieval times.
Visiting Montefalco

W h a t w i l l y o u s e e ?

What will you see?

Rich in churches, crossed by medieval alleys, marked by testimonies of past civilizations, the village of Montefalco seems to have stopped the time capturing the visitor in an inviting refreshment stop.

You will admire various monuments, including:

  • Municipal building (12th century)
  • Church-Museum of San Francesco (14th century)
  • Church of S. Chiara da Montefalco (17th century)
  • Convent of S.Fortunato (15th century)
  • Chapel of the Roses
  • Walk through the old town
Our presence in the

T e r r i t o r y o f U m b r i a

Territory of Umbria

Today Montefalco is also the main city of the Sagrantino wine district.
Indeed the two names of its wines  (Montefalco Sagrantino D.O.C.G. and Montefalco Rosso D.O.C.) refer to the name of the town.

Our Azienda Agricola Montioni is located just behind the old town of Montefalco and its sites of great cultural and religious interest.

Discover the

S u r r o u n d i n g s o f M o n t e f a l c o

Surroundings of Montefalco

Montefalco, because of its centrality, is very suitable as a starting point for the visit of other Umbrian cities connected to both artistic and religious heritage.

The most important are:

  • Bevagna, ancient Roman town hall. Wonderful its medieval square, overlooked by the most significant monuments of the city.
  • Assisi, a city of extraordinary historical and cultural importance as well as the homeland of San Francesco, Patron of Italy.
  • Perugia, called Augusta Perusia in antiquity, capital of the region (photo left).
  • Spoleto, a Roman town rich in ancient memories of Roman and medieval times.